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Hanging Out with the Boys of Livestock did a poll on the top 10 coolest sneaker shops in the world, and Vancouver’s Livestock made number 3! That’s pretty good, beating out other major sneaker shops from Tokyo, UK, San Francisco and New York. To work at the #3 coolest sneaker shop in the world, I guess you have to be pretty cool yourself? Meet Stan and Evans, two guys who’s shoes fit the bill. Stan wears his retro Guns and Roses t-shirt and backwards cap with style, while Evans pulls off his more understated flatcap and black t-shirt with a quiet confidence…

 I’ll probably come by again and do a proper store review in the future, but I thought I’d just introduce you to the guys for now. Drop by for the latest and greatest in sneakers and hoodies and everything else in between. Or just come by, enjoy the music and talk to the boys.

I had fun hanging out and talking about clothes, cameras and music. We’ll catch you next time. Thanks to Evans for taking the above picture of me with the Ricoh GR wearing your Livestock T. I just realized I posed like a hairy-armed monkey with itchy armpits…hopefully Stan’s iPhone pic turned out cooler and just maybe I’ll make your blog!

