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Keys to the Streets: Public Pianos Downtown

Taken with Fuji X-100S, ISO 400 @ 1/2000 sec  F/5.6

I was walking along a busy part of DT Vancouver and I heard a piano playing outside. I thought to myself that this guy must be a pretty hard core busker to drag a piano out into the street. After listening to his bluesy playing for a while, I asked him how he got the piano in the middle of the city. He told me it was one of many public pianos left out throughout the city. Anyone can play it, as long as you close the lid once you’re finished, and you share if someone else wants to play. What a great idea. Supposedly this project has taken root in bigger cities throughout the USA and has made its way to Vancouver.

The project is called Keys to the Street and its hosted by City Studio, a non-profit organization committed to making Vancouver a Green City. I don’t know what that means exactly, but I guess they want people out of cars and onto the street more and partake in community activities, such as playing music publicly. I think its a great idea. I know if they left guitars lying around, people would just take them, so a piano makes sense. What’s next? How about a harp? A double bass? Will this be competition to professional buskers? Do they mind some free competition? I think there’s enough space for everyone to play music publicly. Rock on Piano Man!

Image taken with the Fuji X-100S. Check out full review here.

