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Upcoming Test: Ricoh GR-D IV vs Fuji X-20

Sony A-700 with Minolta 35mm F/1.4G. 1/80th sec F/4 @ ISO 320.

After testing so many super-cameras lately (Leica M’s and Fuji X’s) I was happily enjoying shooting with my trusty Ricoh GR-D IV. No it doesn’t have a huge sensor (1/1.7″) nor high megapixels (10mp), but it doesn’t have to. It’s my EDC (every day carry). It’s with me everywhere I go. When I’m on a bike, in a business meeting, coffee date with my wife, or when I go to a concert, my EDC camera is always with me. When it came time to choose a new EDC after retiring my Panasonic LX-3, I had many to choose from. My top choices were: 

1. Ricoh GR-D IV
2. Panasonic LX-7
3. Fujifilm X-10/20
4. Fujifilm X-F1
5. Pentax MX-1

I settled on the Ricoh GR-D IV for many reasons (read my review here) but I could easily have gone with the other 4 cameras. So when it came time to choose my next test camera from Fuji, I thought it would be fun to pick a camera to test against my Ricoh. My test between the Fuji X-20 and the Ricoh GR-D IV has already begun. What things will I be testing? Build & ergonomics, image quality (jpeg & raw), shooting speed, customization, screen, battery life and feel (do I enjoy shooting with it). I really like my GR, but the X-20 has an amazing zoom lens and a built in optical viewfinder.

I’ll have a review up in a couple of weeks. Until then, I’ll give a few updates on both my blog and my Instagram. Stay tuned by coming back to my blog once in a while, or subscribe to my Twitter feed. Thanks for viewing.

